Hamster Bag Factory: Tycoon is a casual Android game in which you manage a small factory. Here, you'll produce all kinds of bags, from backpacks to handbags; but the most interesting thing about your factory is that all the workers are adorable hamsters.
Hamster Bag Factory: Tycoon offers a pleasant experience, with pastel colors and an overall appealing aesthetic. Since this is a management game, you'll start with few resources, so it's important to make sure that everything goes well. Gradually, with the money you earn, you can unlock more workers and more machines to help you create bags. In Hamster Bag Factory: Tycoon, there are certain processes that you can automate as you play, so as you expand your business, you'll also get more money.
Hamster Bag Factory: Tycoon is also a tycoon game, so all the bags you create are sold. With this money, you can improve the factory, the bag-making process, and the welfare of your workers. You can also unlock all kinds of hamsters to help you.
If you're looking for a game where you can have fun while enjoying an adorable aesthetic, Hamster Bag Factory: Tycoon is for you.